
Our Mission

In the spirit of “Helping with the Dear Neighbor” the 喂你的朋友 pantry fights food insecurity among members of the Avila community by providing free food and supplemental resources to all Avila在读学生, staff, 教职员工.


  1. Provide confidential and quick access to a variety of food items including fresh produce, 冷藏和冷冻物品, 罐装和包装食品, as well as personal care necessities such as hygiene products. The pantry may also provide baby formula and pet food when available.
  2. Work collaboratively with Harvesters as the primary source of food acquired for direct distribution, 以及其他附属捐助者.
  3. Break down the stigma associated with experiencing hunger, 这是大学校园里常见的经历.
  4. Raise awareness and educate our community on issues surrounding food insecurity.

Our Values

  1. 支持所有人的价值、尊严和潜力
  2. 对个人和社区健康的投资
  3. 不加区分地为买球推荐软件app排名服务


  1. 保密
  2. 非评价性 & 包容性
  3. 获取资源
  4. Competence & Compassion

Hours & Location

Friday: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
周末:预约 via email

*High-need food and personal care items will be available at all times in the shelves located in the hallway next to 喂你的朋友. Check our social media accounts for updates or changes in hours during academic breaks and the summer.

买球推荐软件app排名(campus map)
达拉维斯厅. 812B

COVID-19安全协议 (截至10月. 13, 2020)

Contact Us

E: feedyourfriends@mcsoccer.net

Follow Us

To get the latest news and updates from the 喂你的朋友 food pantry, 一定要在社交媒体上关注我们!


喂你的朋友 提供食物分发服务 没有成本 customer 而且不涉及付款,感谢 收割机,社区食品网络、其他附属组织和私人捐助者.


你是否想补充你的校园膳食计划, you live off-campus and struggle to make ends meet between job(s) and classes, or even seek to improve the nutritional value of the food in your household while on a strict budget, Avila在读学生, faculty, and staff are free to take what they need from the pantry.


The pantry is open to any Avila student, staff or faculty member!


参观食品储藏室超级简单! We will not ask anything of you, other than to sign-in at the beginning of each visit. The sign-in process is discrete and helps Harvesters supply us with enough food to match the need on our campus. 非常感谢您完成这一步. You can sign-in upon arrival on the food pantry laptop available at our front desk, or ahead of time 使用此链接.


食品储藏室有早餐, lunch, 还有晚餐用品, 还有零食, and a small supply of allergen free items for our students who are gluten or dairy free. Baby items, 比如尿布, wipes, 婴儿配方奶粉, as well as pet food or pet care items may also be available. 食品储藏室也有个人护理用品,比如沐浴露, lotion, 牙刷和牙膏, 女性卫生用品. In this way, we support the worth, dignity, and potential of the customers of the food pantry. We try to update our social media pages with pictures of what we have in stock, 请继续关注我们的社交媒体!

The food pantry works with community partners to provide some fresh food products including dairy, bread, 还有新鲜的农产品. 我们努力在这些关系上投资, check our socials for updates on what fresh products we have available!

COVID-19有不同的程序吗 ?

Our team remains dedicated to supporting our community in the fight against hunger, therefore 喂你的朋友 Food Pantry is open with safety precautions in place. In an effort to follow social distancing guidelines, the pantry is limitedly staffed. However, customers are free to visit during normal hours: All that we ask is that visitors follow the instructions on how to sign in that is available at our front desk. The small amount of information given at sign in is kept confidential and helps Harvesters supply us with enough food to match the need on our campus!

在您访问期间, 一定要戴口罩, sanitize your hands (hand sanitizer is available at the pantry), 和所有人保持6英尺的距离! 如果您有任何疑虑或问题,请发电子邮件 feedyourfriends@mcsoccer.net 或查看我们的FAQ页面!


There are many ways in which individuals or groups can support the pantry, 投资于我们的社区. We appreciate any and every who join us in our efforts to keep our community strong and healthy!


  • 微波炉餐/外带餐
  • 蛋白饮料/酒吧/牛肉干
  • 耐储存的牛奶
  • 谷物和早餐
  • 冷藏或冷冻肉类(热狗、午餐肉等.)
  • 肉类罐头(尤其是鸡肉)
  • Body wash
  • 女性卫生用品


  • Canned or dry beans (garbanzo beans, pinto beans, baked beans, etc.)
  • Jerky
  • 肉类罐头(鸡肉、金枪鱼等).)
  • 冷藏或冷冻肉类(热狗、午餐肉等).)
  • 花生酱
  • 坚果(杏仁、腰果等.)


  • Fruit cups
  • 罐装水果(桃子、菠萝、混合水果等).)
  • 干果
  • 果酱,果冻
  • 蔬菜罐头(青豆、豌豆、玉米等.)
  • 蕃茄丁
  • 即食土豆或盒装土豆


  • 大米、扁豆、藜麦等.
  • 面食(包括无麸质面食)
  • Ramen
  • 格兰诺拉燕麦卷
  • 燕麦片,速食燕麦
  • Cereal
  • Bread


  • Canned soups (tomato, chicken, beef, vegetable, seafood, etc.)
  • Chili
  • Ravioli


  • 茶,咖啡
  • Juices
  • 植物蛋白饮料
  • 耐储存的牛奶
  • 乳制品的替代品


  • 微波炉和外带餐
  • 咸的零食
  • 蛋白质棒
  • 意大利面酱
  • 番茄酱,番茄酱
  • 番茄酱、芥末等.
  • 食用油
  • 烘焙和煎饼粉
  • Almond butter, sunflower seed butter, coconut butter, etc.



  • 洗衣粉
  • 清洁用品
  • 特百惠,拉链袋
  • 厕纸
  • 纸巾
  • Trash bags


  • Soap
  • Body wash
  • 洗发水和护发素
  • Deodorant
  • 牙刷
  • Toothpaste
  • Mouthwash
  • 女性卫生用品


  • 可重复使用购物袋
  • 学校用品


  • 自制的物品,
  • 酒精饮料,
  • 打开或使用过的物品;
  • 生锈或无标签的罐头.


You can drop-off any non-易腐物品 you wish to donate in our collection barrel outside the food pantry anytime campus is open. If you’d like your name attached to your donation do not hesitate to leave your name with your donations. This allows us to show our gratitude and send you a Thank You note after we have processed your donations!

如果你打算捐款 易腐物品,或者有一个 大量捐赠, please reach out and schedule an appointment ahead of time. This is to ensure that team members will be present to receive your donations and will be able to properly store the perishables, or that enough people will be on hand to process the 大量捐赠. We appreciate your help in making sure our shelves are stocked!

预约可以通过电子邮件进行 feedyourfriends@mcsoccer.net.


We are currently compiling our needs into our 亚马逊愿望列表. 你可以在舒适的家中购物, and purchase items to be shipped directly to Avila’s food pantry. 点击下面的按钮访问我们的列表. 你需要登录你的亚马逊账户.


Did you know that,感谢 our partnership with Harvesters, every $1 donated helps provide 3 meals? 一点一滴都很重要! You can make a financial donation to 喂你的朋友 through our Advancement website:

  • Click the 今天捐赠! 按钮并滚动到给出的表单;
  • 在“礼物指定”下面,选择“其他”;
  • Type in “喂你的朋友 food pantry” for the donation.

If you are unable to give in the aforementioned ways but would still like to support 喂你的朋友, consider donating some of your time by volunteering or hosting a donation drive in partnership with us!

欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的网站 参与页面.
